At Open Air Homes, our job is made easier by managing some of the most highly sought after homes in Southern California. Guests staying in your home are often traveling from the colder parts of the country, and the marketing process is our opportunity to sell guests on the incredible state that we are proud to call home.
Our goal during the marketing process is to accurately depict what the experience will be when renting your home. Since the short term rental industry has more supply than ever, we take this copywriting step very seriously. The listing is our opportunity to present guests with all of the joys of living in your community, and all of the ways in which they can enjoy their vacation in your home.
Guests at our Devlin Property
Open Air Homes believes that guests who stay for a longer period of time tend to respect your home and the surrounding community more than short term renters. We use the listing as our chance to encourage longer stays, which increases your occupancy and causes less turnover in your home.
After the copy is written, all of these details make their way to the Reservations Team, where they will work with the Onboarding Team to ensure that pricing looks correct, that all relevant information about you and your home has been passed on, and that we are ready to list your home.
We suggest that for the first month in rentals, we price your home at a slightly reduced rate to ensure that the first few reviews are positive. Since your listing is new, the first few reviews matter the most. Once we have 3-5 reviews and your home has a 5-star rating, we can begin to dial up the nightly rate to market levels.
Our Reservations Team uses a dynamic pricing algorithm to adjust the price of your home in real-time based on the changing market conditions. With this information, and years of experience in these markets, we can make sure your home is always priced as efficiently as possible to maximize your monthly income.
As one of our homeowner partners, our goal is to understand what you want out of your home and then make that vision a reality. Every homeowner’s goals are different, and we have learned how to adapt our management and communication style to fit with more passive homeowners who never want to think about their rental property and just want a steady source of passive income, to homeowners who want to be involved with every decision related to their beloved family home, and everyone in between.
By: Brad Greiner, CEO of Open Air Homes and OpenAiRE BrokerageSeptember 30, 2024 A Legacy Reimagined Nestled in the iconic Hollywood Hills,... Read More
Is Airbnb’s Market Share at Risk? Pay Close Attention to Google Travel for Vacation Rentals
By: Brad Greiner, CEO of Open Air Homes and OpenAiRE BrokerageSeptember 25, 2024 How Google Travel and Transparent Pricing Could Reshape the... Read More